Trollius x cultorum ‘New Hybrids’
Beautiful globes of bloom glow in late spring and early summer from this lovely mix of Trollius x cultorum ‘New Hybrids’.
Silken petals with delicious bowls of colours
The petals have a wonderful silken texture and bowls of colour ranging from cream, through lemon, to egg yolk yellow and rich old gold.
Pretty foliage & cut flowers
Trollius bloom on long, straight upstanding stems, above clumps of very pretty, lacy divided leaves.
And they make lovely cut flowers for a vase where the bowl shape adds contrast to other flower forms.
Blooms that glow in the shade
Plants of Trollius x cultorum ‘New Hybrids’ are shade lovers, where their jewel-like colours truly glow like miniature moons.
So they enjoy plenty of leaf litter, compost or mulch in a shady spot.
However they can also thrive in very heavy, clay, boggy or even waterlogged soil.
And they positively relish soggy clay.
So the more moisture they have then the more sun they can tolerate.
Rabbit & deer resistant
Rabbits and deer are rarely tempted by Trollius foliage as they find it astringent.
Similarly Trollius plants are rarely if ever troubled by pests and diseases and rated as low maintenance plants. Needing only an annual trim after blooming finishes.
Bee & butterfly friendly
However bees and butterflies love rustling amongst the stamens inside the globe blooms.
Frost hardy
Trollius are frost hardy and easily grown in suitable conditions.
Trollius x cultorum ‘New Hybrids’ flower with globe blooms on 60cm. High straight stems x 45cm. Wide clumps of pretty foliage.
Sow in punnets indoors at any cool time of the year.
INDOORS: First sow the seeds in a punnet on the surface of good quality seed raising mix.
Then just cover the seeds with a thin layer of vermiculate /grit/sieved mix/horticultural sand.
Now thoroughly moisten the mix by standing the punnet in a shallow water bath and allowing the moisture to percolate up to the surface from below.
Then continue to keep the punnet moist in a warm, well lit position for 2-4 weeks (not in direct sunlight).
Temperatures of 18-20°C are ideal for this warm stage.
And enclose the punnet in a plastic cliplock bag or cover with a plastic cover to retain moisture.
Then keep the moist sown punnet in the ziplock bag (or cling wrap it), and place it in the fridge (not freezer) for 6-8 weeks.
After the period of chilling in the fridge, remove, unwrap the punnet & place it in a cool, well lit-position (not in direct sunlight).
Because temperatures of around 10°C are best now for rapid and optimum germination.
Seedlings emerge in approx. 30 days. But patience – do not discard the punnet, as some seedlings may come later.
SEED COUNT: 50 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count and give a generous count).
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