Sidalcea malviflora ‘Rosaly’
Sidalcea malviflora ‘Rosaly’ has flowers of heart-meltingly soft satin pink.
With spires of creamy-pink, disc-like flowers, stacked up long, straight stems to about 90cm. high.
And ‘Rosaly’ has recently been bred for enhanced blooming and a longer flowering season through summer and autumn
So she looks like a dream of a miniature Hollyhock, but blooms for very much longer. (Sidalceas are in fact distant cousins of a Hollyhock).
Miniature soft pink Hollyhock to fit any garden
Charming Sidalcea malviflora ‘Rosaly’ is also equally as hardy, and easy to grow, as the well known and much bigger Hollyhocks. But without the threat of rust disease.
So this is a mini Hollyhock that will fit happily into any low maintenance or small garden.
The clump of neat basal clump of pretty foliage is also attractive, even when the plant is not in flower.
Sparkling blooms that freshen summer
‘Rosaly’ graces summer, dressed in her soft-pink satin flowers, and looking cool and sophisticated despite the heat.
The soft colour complements all other colours.
Spires for florists
Sidalcea malviflora ‘Rosaly’ provides an excellent source of lovely flower spires for florists during summer.
Easy grower needs little attention
Plant Sidalcea malviflora ‘Rosaly’ in Full Sun to Part Shade.
She is very unfussy and undemanding wherever, and not a water-thirsty plant.
Though she does ask for well-drained soil, but otherwise purrs in soils of all types as long as they are not waterlogged.
‘Rosaly’ is frost hardy, and can tolerate frosts down to approx. -10C.
Sidalcea are native to Oregon, California and northern Mexico, so they are well acquainted with heat. And ‘Rosaly’ was recently developed in Germany for enhanced flower-power and longer blooming.
So just a little extra water in summer will keep her on blooming duty for months.
Low maintenance
‘Rosaly’ is a low maintenance plant, with an annual trim of the spent flower stems being the only real work to do. Other than giving a light dose of fertilizer in spring and summer to encourage even more blooms, but do not overdo it.
Bees revel in Sidalcea flowers
Bees, insect pollinators and native honey-eating birds find the nectar rich flowers a great boon during summer.
Hardy, evergreen perennial clump 90cm. High, with delightful spires stacked with blooms x 50cm. Wide evergreen, low clump of prettily maple-shaped leaves.
SEED SOWING ADVICE: Sidalcea malviflora ‘Rosaly’
Seeds of Sidalcea malviflora ‘Rosaly’ are best sown indoors during autumn, winter & early spring.
INDOORS: First scatter the seed on the surface of good quality potting mix.
Then pat the seeds gently to the surface of the mix to ensure good contact.
Now cover the seeds with approx. 3mm of sieved mix.
Then thoroughly moisten the mix by standing the punnet in a shallow water bath.
And allow the moisture to percolate up to the surface from below.
Cover the punnet with a clear plastic lid to help maintain moisture.
Now place the covered punnet in a warm position (not in direct sunlight) for 2-4 weeks.
You can use a heat mat if you have one, and this helps maintain optimum temperatures.
Temperatures of 18-22°C are best at this stage to prepare the seeds for germination.
And continue to keep moist by misting the surface from a spray water bottle.
Give them a chill
After 2-4 weeks of moist warmth, wrap the moist punnet in cling-wrap and place in the fridge (not freezer) for a further 4-6 weeks. So the seeds think they have had winter.
Now remove the punnet from the fridge, unwrap, and make sure it is moist.
And place the punnet in a cool, well-lit place for seed germination.
Temperatures of 10-12°C after the chill, are best for optimum and rapid germination.
Seedlings begin to emerge in approx. 14 days, though some seeds may emerge later. This is a natural strategy for this plant to hedge bets for the seedlings. So do not discard the punnet.
Remove the clear cover as soon as germination begins and grow the seedings on ready to plant in the garden.
SEED COUNT: 40 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count and give a generous serve).
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