Primula pulverulenta
Primula pulverulenta is known as the “Mealy Primrose” because all the stems and buds are covered with what looks like a dusting of finest, glistening silver flour.
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Striking silver & deep crimson
So it makes a striking colour combination with this silver dusting really setting off the tiers of deep crimson red blooms.
Spectacular stacked tiers of bloom
Primula pulverulenta is one of the gorgeous “Candelabra” style Primroses.
Because multiple stacked tiers of crimson blooms, come in circular whorls on lovely, tall flower stems.
Hence it is commonly called a Candelabra Primula and happily it is one of the very easiest to grow of the Candelabras.
Vigorous & easy Primula, as long as you have a wet spot
Primula pulverulenta is an extremely vigorous, hardy and easy to grow Primula, providing you give it the conditions it enjoys. Which is wet, boggy or heavy soils, though it will tolerate any soil type as long as it is soggy.
So a stand of Mealy Primroses winding along beside a pond, dam or stream is a sight to behold.
With abundant and repeating blooms in late spring and early summer.
And it just loves having it’s toes in water or down in heavier clay soils.
Then it will self seed abundantly in it’s happy place and make dazzling colour.
Rabbits and deer are not keen
We are fascinated by these spectacular beauties. But unbelievably rabbits and deer tend to leave them alone, and place Primulas low on their menu selection and Primula pulverulenta lowest of all.
Bees & butterflies love them
Bees and butterflies are very happy sipping from the nectar rich flower whorls.
Light up dark boggy areas
So with damp feet Mealy Primroses are happy to grow in either Sun, Part Shade or Shaded positions.
Where they light up darker areas brilliantly and adore boggy, heavy, water-logged soils.
Primula pulverulenta is a frost hardy perennial with an evergreen rosette of decorative crinkled foliage.
75cm. High in magnificent flower spires of deep crimson and silver dusting x 40cm. Wide rosette of evergreen foliage.
Primula pulverulenta seeds can be sown at any cool time of the year.
(Sowing Tip: Primula seeds are very fine and tiny. So pop a little fine sieved mix or sand into the bag containing the seed, shake around to collect the seed, and then sow the whole contents of the bag).
First sprinkle the seed onto a the surface of good quality quality raising mix in a punnet.
Then barely cover the seed with a fine sieving of mix.
So that the seeds can still be seen through the mix.
Now thoroughly moisten the mix by standing the sown punnet in a shallow water bath.
And allowing the moisture to percolate up to the surface of the mix from below.
Temperatures between 10 – 20 degrees C. are ideal for rapid and optimum germination.
But always keep your punnet in a cool, though well-lit place. (Never in direct sunlight).
Because temperatures exceeding 20 degrees C. may slow and inhibit germination.
Consequently most seeds will go dormant as a protective measure against heat, and will then need a period of 4-6 weeks in the fridge to break their natural dormancy.
Germination at cool temperatures takes between 3-6 weeks.
However if the seeds are shy to germinate – Then cling wrap the moist sown punnet and place in the fridge (not freezer) for 4-6 weeks.
Then remove, unwrap and return to well-lit position at 10-20°C. and continue to keep moist.
Seed Count: 60 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count and give a generous serve).
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