Penstemon mensarum
Penstemon mensarum is breathtakingly blue.
Because it has a purity and glowing intensity of deep cobalt blue colour which is rarely seen. And so highly desirable in the garden.
Glowing deep cobalt true-blue
Penstemon mensurum always delights with elegant, refined flower spires in late spring and early summer.
With the spires rising above a neat rosette of basal foliage sitting close to the ground. And shining blue-green leaves.
Favourite for bees & native birds
Bees find these trumpet flowers utterly irresistible. Because the blooms are full of nectar, and of course many bees can see and so effectively home in on blue flowers.
Native honey-eater birds and other very useful pollinator flying friends also make a bee line for these glowing blue beauties.
Adapted to rigorous climate extremes
Dainty Penstemon mensurum is native to western Colorado in the USA.
So of course it is well adapted to a very rigorous climate of extremes.
Making it tolerant of hot sun, plus extreme cold, and immune to wind and tempest.
Water-wise & drought resistant
Plant Grand Mesa Penstemon in Full Sun to Partial Shade. Because it enjoys a minimum of 3-4 hours of direct sunlight per day, to full sun all day.
It is naturally water-wise and is used to coping with periods of limited water.
And it is drought tolerant once established and mulched.
Penstemon mensurum is also very tolerant of a wide range of soils, from sandy and rocky to heavier clay based soils; from acid to alkaline. Heavier clay can be improved by adding some gravel to give our little blue beauty the drainage it enjoys.
Super frost hardy
Grand Mesa Penstemon is resoundingly frost hardy and able to tolerate frost temperatures down to at least -20C, depending on conditions.
Fuss free & easy
Penstemon mensarum is a delightfully low maintenance plant, because it is fuss free and rarely if ever troubled by pests and diseases.
So simply trim spent flower spires right back the base foliage after blooming to maintain repeat blooming and a booming clump.
While no plant is ever fully immune, Penstemon mensurum is also low on the menu choice for deer.
Penstemon mensarum is an evergreen, long lived perennial.
60cm. High slender spires of vivid blue flowers x 60cm. Wide evergreen clump of shiny foliage.
SEED SOWING ADVICE: Penstemon mensarum
Sow indoors in punnets at any time.
Sow indoors for quick & early plants: First sow the seed on the surface of good quality seed raising mix.
Then pat the seed gently to the surface of the mix to ensure good contact.
Now barely cover the seed, only very lightly with sieved mix / sand / grit.
But do not cover the seed to a depth more than the diameter of the seed.
Because these seeds need light to germinate.
Now moisten the punnet thoroughly by standing it in a shallow water bath.
And allow the moisture to percolate to the surface of the mix from below.
Now cling wrap the moist, sown punnet, or place in a clip-lock bag.
And place the punnet in the fridge for 6-8 weeks to mimic a good cold winter.
After 6-8 weeks remove from the fridge, unwrap, and place the punnet in a warm, well-lit position (not in direct sun).
And continue to keep moist.
Temperatures of 15-20°C at this stage are best for rapid and optimum germination.
Seeds germinate in 7-14 days approx.
Seed Count: 25 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count, and give a generous serve).
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