Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’
Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’ is so easy, yet so tough.
So this white flowered, grey leafed form of the good old Rose Campion, is pure elegance and class.
Though it is equally easy growing, tough and hardy, despite such cool stylish looks.
And it sacrifices none of the bone-hardiness of the whole family.
Drifts of snow flakes above silver velvet
So this elegant variety blooms with a profusion of fluttering white discs. From late spring, right through the hot months to the end of summer.
And the mass of flowers is held on silver felted stems.
Well above a low mound of velvety silver-green foliage.
A feast for bees & butterflies
Bees, butterflies and our flying friends the pollinators are drawn to the myriad of blooms like magnets. They love them for their abundant nectar and long blooming season.
Super hardy & easy in the garden
So plant Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’ in Full Sun to a little Part Shade.
Where it simply revels in heat and dry conditions.
All that silver fur serves it well to withstand heat, wind, and even salt in the air.
Hardy in even hard frosts
Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’ is happily frost hardy down at least -20C.
So can withstand just about all that frost can chuck at it.
Water-wise & drought hardy
And it is also undemanding for feed and water, being a water-wise plant that can manage very well on a minimum of supplementary watering, and basic fertility.
In fact it is perhaps better grown a little on the lean side to keep it strong.
So it is well-suited to coastal gardens and areas with harsher conditions.
Un-fussy & trouble free
Well drained soil is essential, but otherwise Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’ will accept almost all soil types. From sandy or rocky to heavy loam. And from acid to alkaline pH.
It is highly disease free. So rarely if ever troubled by pests and diseases.
And also very low maintenance.
Only requiring an annual cut down to the socks after blooming has finished.
If you leave the dried heads to scatter their seed – you will have an abundant crop of seedlings nearby next year. Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’ is a very reliable self-sower.
Offspring should be white if that is the only colour you grow.
But if you grow different colours of Lychnis coronaria, then the offspring will be all sorts of lovely blends and shades as provided by the busy bees mixing the genes.
Rabbit & deer resistant
Rabbits and deer do not find it tempting to eat.
Quick & easy to flower from seed
Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’ is easy to raise and quick to reach flowering from seed.
If you sow early, it will flower summer in the same year.
It grows to at least. 75cm. High (though it can be up to 90cm. tall in generous conditions) in summer x 30cm. Wide.
It makes and evergreen, low clump of silver foliage rosettes which are always attractive.
Then in the summer it soars up with the spectacular silver, branching, airy flower stems.
Suitable for beginners and kids
INDOORS: First sow the seeds in a punnet, on the surface of good quality seed raising mix.
Then pat the seeds gently to the surface of the mix to ensure good contact.
But do not cover, as these seeds need light to germinate.
Now thoroughly moisten the sown punnet by standing it in a shallow water bath.
And allow the moisture to percolate to the surface from below.
Then place the punnet in a warm, well-lit position (not in direct sun).
You can use a heat mat if you have one, but it is not essential.
It is also beneficial to cover the punnet with a clear plastic lid, to maintain moisture.
Temperatures of 20-24C. are recommended for rapid and optimum germination.
Seeds germinate in 21-30 days.
SEED COUNT: 150 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count, and give a generous serve).