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Geranium sanguineum

var. striatum


$5.00 AUD

Availability: In stock

Geranium sanguineum var. striatum ‘Vision Soft Pink’

Geranium sanguineum var. striatum ‘Vision Soft Pink’ is the loveliest of all the “Bloody Cranesbills” in my humble opinion.

Prettily veined large cups of soft shell-pink

Because it bears large cups of soft shell-pink, conspicuously laced with darker veins.
Beaming up at you appealingly from flat atop a groundcover of lacy leaves.
As it pops a procession of lovely pink flower cups from mid spring on, right through summer and into autumn.
So providing very long lasting flower colour.

Mounding groundcover of finely cut lacy leaves

Geranium sanguineum var. striatum ‘Vision Soft Pink’ makes a superb, and very hardy groundcover.
With the finely cut lacy carpet of leaves decorative and evergreen all year round.
Though the dainty leaves also colour up with wine-red shades during the colder weather of autumn and winter.
Making a dense mound of coloured lace until the pink blooms restart again in mid spring.

Amongst the very hardiest of all the Cranesbills

All of the “Bloody Cranesbills” are tough little goers (called “Bloody Cranesbills” because of their bright red fleshy roots).

Tough & persistent groundcover under trees & shrubs

So while Geranium sanguineum var. striatum ‘Vision Soft Pink’ looks so dainty, delicate and pretty, she is actually as tough and persistent as all the others.
All the “Bloody Cranesbills” are reliable, tough groundcovers.
Tolerating heat and dry well once established, and so much better than many of the more delicate Cranesbills.
The “Bloody Cranesbills” are certainly not delicate or difficult.

Perfect under pink roses

The neat, dense mounding habit of Geranium sanguineum var. striatum makes it perfect for planting under roses.
And the soft pink cups complement pink, white or red roses perfectly.

Shade & frost tolerant

So plant Geranium sanguineum var. striatum ‘Vision Soft Pink’ in Part Shade, Dappled Sun to Full Sun.
It is also very frost hardy and can easily tolerate temperatures down to -25C.

Hardy in a wide variety of soils

Geranium sanguineum var striatum happily thrives in such a wide variety of soil types – from sandy to good garden loam and all the way through to clay.
The “Bloody Cranebills” are so handy for gardeners with clay soils.
And they perform well in both acid and alkaline pH.
“Bloody Cranesbills” really are tough.

Rabbit & deer resistant

“Bloody Cranesbills” are distasteful for rabbits and deer so they generally leave them well alone.
They are also very rarely if ever troubled by any pests or diseases.

Butterflies & pollinators love them
Easy to grow & low maintenance

Geranium sanguineum var. striatum ‘Vision Soft Pink’ really will not care if you just leave it to get on with being a hardy groundcover.
But if you care to give it a spring and autumn feed, and cut it back to the socks at the end of autumn, it will be dazzlingly pretty.

25cm High mounding groundcover topped with pink cups x 60cm Wide mound of delightfully cut lacy, evergreen foliage


Sow Geranium sanguineum var. striatum seeds in punnets indoors.

Indoors for rapid & early plants: Sow in punnets on surface of good quality seed raising mix. Press gently. Barely cover with grit/mix/sand/vermiculite. Keep punnet moist at 15-20 °C for 2-4 weeks. Then wrap punnet in cling wrap & place in fridge (not freezer) for 4-6 weeks. Remove from fridge, unwrap punnet & return to 15-20 °C place. Most seedlings should emerge in approx. 30 to 90 days. But do not discard punnet, as some seedlings may come later.

Seed Count: 4 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count, and give a generous serve).

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