Galanthus elwesii
Galanthus elwesii is called the Great English Snowdrop because it has amongst the largest flowers of all the lovely Galanthus family.
Galanthus elwesii bears squadrons of large snow white nodding bells in mid-winter, like dancing ballerinas twirling their tutus.
And the tutus are charmingly marked with green patterns and spots.
So Galanthus are amongst the very first harbingers to let you know that spring is coming soon, and utterly entrancing when there is so little else blooming in the garden.
Winter droplets of whiter than white snow
They really do look like flurries of snowflakes, so the common name of Great English Snowdrop is apt.
However they are native to areas far distant from England, and thrive in a wider range of climates, as long as they get winter cold.
Though English gardeners are utterly besotted with then and form “Galanthophile” Societies at the drop of an English Snowdrop.
Winter cheer under trees & shrubs
Galanthus elwesii is one the hardiest, easiest to grow, best to naturalize and obliging self sowing, of all the Galanthus in Australia.
These little darlings are hardy bulbs, and easy to grow in areas that have cold winters.
And they relish being planted under deciduous trees and shrubs, where they will cheerfully, with no further help from you, turn into an enchanting carpet.
Good cut flowers for petite vases
So the bulbs do not need any lifting or dividing.
And just a feed of all purpose fertilizer after blooming and before the foliage dies down, will keep them in excellent form to produce even more flowers next winter.
Surprisingly, they also make good cut flowers for petite winter vases.
No dig bulbs for easy, low maintenance
The slender, deep green foliage fades away in spring without mess.
And so they lie dormant till they surprise you all over again next winter.
So leave bulbs undisturbed for years. As there is no need to dig & replant.
Galanthus elwesii are perfect under trees & shrubs
Plant in Part shade or Dappled Sun, and they thrive under deciduous trees & shrubs.
And they are hardy and weatherproof, no matter what winter chucks at them – frost, snow, wind, rain, tempest – no problems.
And an extra bonus is that rabbits and deer will not touch them either – as they hate the taste.
20cm H x 10cm W.
SEED SOWING ADVICE: Galanthus elwesii
Sow in punnets indoors during autumn/winter/spring / or scatter in garden winter-early spring. Seeds need a period of cold to germinate.
INDOORS: Sow Galanthus elwesii seeds in punnets, on surface of good quality seed raising mix.
Then gently press the seeds into the surface of the mix to ensure good contact.
Now barely cover the seeds with sieved mix/grit/sand.
Then cling wrap the moist, sown punnet & place it in the fridge (not freezer) for 4-6 weeks. U
Finally remove from the fridge, unwrap the punnet & place in an unheated, cool, light place.
Most seedlings should emerge in 30 days.
But do not discard the punnet. Patience – Some seeds may come later.
SEED COUNT: 5 seeds per pack approx. (Few seeds are available this year).
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