Erigeron speciosus ‘Grandiflorus’
Erigeron speciosus ‘Grandiflorus’ has the largest, grandest blooms of all the Erigeron family.
It covers itself with large, heavily fringed daisies of rich lavender-blue, with sunny golden centres.
And those flowers shine like fine rayed stars from early summer on, right through to the end of autumn.
It is such an abundant bloomer, with flowers that are eye-catchingly large for such a neat, low plant.
The Erigerons have the common name of Dainty Daisies, for very good reason.
And ‘Grandiflorus’ has the grandest, biggest flowers of all, but without losing any of the dainty, charming looks.
But do not let those good looks fool you.
Erigeron speciosus ‘Grandiflorus’ is an old favourite because it is such a long lived perennial groundcover, as well as a great bloomer.
It is hardy and easy to grow in the garden.
Plus quick and easy to raise from seed.
The huge blooms of ‘Grandiflorus’ are held high above the mat of grey-green foliage, on strong stems.
So they make excellent cut flowers.
And it is good to harvest blooms as it encourages even more flowering.
Bees and butterfly’s also adore the nectar laden blooms as much as we do.
A tenacious grower
Erigeron speciosus ‘Grandiflorus’ enjoys basking in Full Sun, though it can also tolerate a little Partial Shade.
And it really appreciates well drained soil with some added humus or compost.
Though it is a tenacious grower and will cope with almost any type of soil; from sandy to clay; from acid to alkaline.
It is also very frost hardy.
So it is able to withstand hard frosts down to about -20C, depending on conditions.
Erigeron speciosus is a native of the wild west of North America. So they family are well used to coping with extremes of climate. Virtually disease free and rarely troubled by pests.
Large blooms on a water-wise plant
Erigeron speciosus ‘Grandiflorus’ can cope with heat and periods of dry better than many other plants.
Particularly if it is mulched in summer.
And it is also well suited to coastal gardens as well as life in a pot.
Hardy perennial evergreen groundcover
Erigeron speciosus ‘Grandiflorus’ is a hardy perennial, evergreen, groundcover.
75cm. High covered in large flowers x 60cm. Wide ground hugging mat of evergreen foliage.
Suitable for beginners & kids
Can be sown directly in the garden or sown in a punnet indoors for early flowers.
Sowing Directly in the garden:
Sow the seeds directly where they are to flower into finely prepared soil.
So scatter the seeds on the surface of the soil and just lightly press.
Because these seeds need light to germinate.
Now keep moist until germination.
And then young plants can be thinned and planted elsewhere in the garden where needed.
For something different sow the seed directly into the cracks between paving stones.
Sowing Indoors:
First sow the seeds very thinly on the surface of good quality seed raising mix.
But do not cover the seed as they need light to germinate.
Instead just lightly press the seeds into the surface of the mix to ensure good contact.
Now place the moist, sown punnet in a warm, well-lit place (not in direct sunlight).
Temperatures of 15 to 18°C approx are best for rapid and optimum germination.
Seeds germinate in 14 to 30 days.
When seedlings are large enough to handle, prick out into pots and grow on. Before planting in the garden.
SEED COUNT: 100 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count and give a generous serve).
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