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Digitalis x mertonensis

‘Summer King’


$5.00 AUD

Availability: In stock

Digitalis x mertonensis ‘Summer King’

Digitalis x mertonensis ‘Summer King’ is a superior version of the lovely old “Strawberry Foxglove”.

Bigger, blowsy, more baggy Foxglove flowers

So it impresses with even bigger, blowsy, more baggy Foxglove flowers than the old original.

Colour of strawberries & raspberries crushed into cream

With the colouring of strawberries crushed into cream (think Eton Mess pudding) flecked inside with dots of raspberries.
Digitalis x mertonensis ‘Summer King’ is a show stopper.

Packed spires of baggy pink bloomers

‘Summer King’ really packs the large bloomers of flowers onto each spires in late spring and into early summer.

Bees & birds cant believe their luck

So our native honey-eating birds cannot believe their luck, while the bees and pollinating butterflies are in a bliss of nectar gathering for weeks.

Long lasting display

Digitalis x mertonensis ‘Summer King’ is longer blooming than normal, old fashioned “English Foxgloves”.
As it has many side flower spikes which keep on coming after the initial central spike has finished, plus it commences blooming a little later and goes on for longer than conventional Foxgloves.
It also has shorter, stouter spikes which are more sturdy in wind.

Easy & unfussy to grow

Digitalis x mertonensis ‘Summer King’ is an easy grower, and enjoys a wide range of positions, from Full Sun to Shade, in well drained soil.

More tolerant of heat & thoroughly frost hardy

It is also more tolerant of sun and heat than usual Foxgloves, though you can prolong blooming well into the warmer months, by mulching the area well, and giving a occasional deep watering.
‘Summer King’ is a great survivor, valued for being a water-wise and unthirsty plant, as well as
thoroughly frost hardy.
The evergreen clumps of foliage can withstand temperatures down to -30C.

Rabbit and deer resistant

Rabbits and deer give ‘Summer King’ a wide berth.
They seem to know that Digitalis are not for eating.

Reliable & easy to raise from seed

Digitalis x mertonensis ‘Summer King’ is very quick and easy to grow from seed to flower.
It is classified as a short lived perennial (each clump will go on for multiple years of flowering if you deadhead the finished stems) or a self seeding biennial (if you leave the stems to go to seed).

Will also “Do-it-Yourself” seed in the garden

So always leave a stem or two to go to seed.
Or cut stems with seed pods and lay them down on the ground as a mulch where you would like next year’s crop of pink blowsy bloomers.
However please be aware that ‘Summer King’ is a specially bred cultivar, and hand pollinated. So open-pollinated, self sown seedlings may revert to the old, original Strawberry Foxglove (what is not to love!).

Spires of 60-90cm blowsy bloomers of flowers x evergreen rosette clump of low foliage approx. 60cm Wide.

Suitable for beginners & gardening with kids

Sow Digitalis x mertonensis ‘Summer King’ seeds outdoors in spring / or sow indoors at any time for maximum germination.

Sow indoors for quick & early plants: First sow Digitalis seeds on surface of good quality compost or seed raising mix, at any time.
But do not cover with compost as these seeds need light to germinate.

Then thoroughly moisten the mix by standing the sown punnet in a shallow water bath.
And allowing the moisture to percolate to the surface from below.

Now place the punnet in a warm, well-lit  place (but not in any direct sunlight).
You can use a heat mat if you have one, but it is not essential, as these seeds are willing germinators.
And covering the punnet with a clear plastic lid helps to retain consistent moisture.

Temperatures of 15-20 degrees C. are ideal for rapid and maximum germination.

Continue to keep moist at all times by misting from a spray water bottle, but do not saturate.

Seeds germinate in 14 to 21 days approx.

Then pot on the seedlings to harden off and mature. Before finally planting out in the garden.

Seed Count: 250 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count and give a generous serve)

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