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Dianthus caryophyllus

‘Raspberry Ripple’


$5.00 AUD

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Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Raspberry Ripple’

Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Raspberry Ripple’ gives fully double, old-fashioned garden Carnations.
Or to give them their old name – Clove Pinks.

Petals beautifully striped & edged with raspberry

With the petals beautifully striped and edged with raspberry on a white background.

Delicious intense clove scent

And with all the lovely, intense, intoxicating scent that have made Clove Pinks old times, all times garden favourites.

Old time all time garden favourite

These old fashioned Clove Pinks were a favourite with my Grandmother, and they still are with me today.
Because nothing can better that beautiful scent, the abundant cut flowers, and those lovely colours and lacey markings.
Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Raspberry Ripple’ may be a newly bred Clove Pink – but it has lost nothing of the old world charms.

Wonderful vase flowers

Bunches of ‘Raspberry Ripple’ look and smell wonderful in a vase, and they last very well.
For longest vase life pick the stems when the buds are just opening.

Easy to grow & quick from seed

Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Raspberry Ripple’ plants are hardy and easy to grow, and quickly raised from seed to flowering.
They are frost hardy and very water wise.
My Grandmother had no water to squander – So the plants she loved had to be able to get on with the job with little assistance, including over hot, dry summers.

Hardy in heat & drought resistant

Dianthus caryophyllus enjoy Full Sun positions, plenty of lime, well-drained soil; and they positively thrive if spoiled with some compost and mulch.
However for abundant flowering – do not overfeed them – they perform better if kept a little lean and mean.
So you can grow Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Raspberry Ripple’ anywhere you can grow roses, and they all look and smell wonderful together.

Hardy evergreen perennial for edges & pots

Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Raspberry Ripple’ make hardy evergreen perennial clumps.
With the foliage forming an attractive grey-green cushion that remains decorative all year.
So they are the perfect garden edging plant, or in containers, and a pleasure to see and sniff anywhere you walk frequently.
So just drink in that intoxicating scent and enjoy their laced and splashed colouring.

Low on the menu for rabbits and deer 

While bunnies may take a trial nibble, they are unlikely to feast upon Dianthus caryophyllus, as they dislike the taste. Likewise for deer.

Very handy for the cook

Harvest the petals for their clove like flavour, and use them in cakes; in salads – for both flavour and decoration; to add a hint of spice to soups and stir fries; as topping for ice cream, fruit salad and desserts; or making sorbet and punch drinks. They are a great in fish dishes too, adding a spicy clove flavour.

Evergreen perennial clump

Approx. 60cm High flower stems x 30cm Wide evergreen clump of  blue-grey foliage.

Suitable for beginners & gardening with kids

Sow at any time of year in a punnet indoors, or scatter in the garden in early spring.

Indoors for early plants:
First sow the seeds in a punnet on surface of good quality seed raising mix.
Then gently press the seeds onto the mix to ensure good contact.
Now barely cover the seeds with sieved mix or fine sandy grit, because these seeds need light to germinate.

Then stand the sown punnet in a shallow water bath and allow the moisture to percolate up to the surface of the mix from below.

Drain, then place the moist punnet in a warm, well-lit position position (but not in any direct sunlight).
Covering with a clear plastic lid will also help to keep the surface consistently moist.

Continue to keep the sown punnet moist by misting from a spray water bottle.

Temperatures of 15-21°C approx. are best for rapid and optimum germination.
So you can use a heated mat if you have one to maintain warm temperatures.
However it is not essential as these seeds are willing germinators, given necessary temperatures.
So a warm, well-lit place will do.

Seedlings emerge in approx. 7-14 days.

Scatter seeds directly in the garden:
Scatter in full sun in neutral to alkaline soil that drains well.
Dianthus do not tolerate wet soil well, particularly in winter – don’t plant them where water collects.

Seed Count: 50 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count, and give a generous serve).

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