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Cosmos bipinnatus

‘Versailles White’


$5.00 AUD

Availability: In stock

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Versailles White’

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Versailles White’ is the classic, pure, simple, single white Cosmos.

Classic pure snow white singles

Old fashioned ‘Versailles White’ is the traditional Cosmos that the French love to use in their potager gardens.
It is an oldie – but never bettered for sheer simplicity and elegance.

Tall & slender – with larger blooms – a classic French Beauty

It is also hard to beat Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Versailles White’ for size of individual blooms, or for number of blooms produced.
It is prolific.
So it is a stunner at the back of a flower bed, in the florist’s picking garden, or planted amongst roses of any colour.

Prolific long bloomer

‘Versailles White’ is long & constant blooming through summer & autumn, on long, strong stems.
So it is rated as a superb, commercial quality cut flower, as well as giving a splendid garden display for months on end till winter.
While pretty ferny foliage also adds to the lacy, gentle effect.
It is taller, on longer stems, than usual Cosmos.

Indispensible for florists, flower farmers & brides

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Versailles White’ is indispensable for bridal bouquets, for florists and flower farmers alike.
Because of it’s hardy, easy, quick growth; continuous and long flower production on longer than normal stems; purest white blooms; and long-lasting ability as a cut flower.
It was born to be in bridal bouquets.

Hardy & easy to grow

Plant in Full Sun, though it can also tolerate a little Part Shade, particularly in hot areas.
It is a water-wise, heat & dry hardy grower, and quick and easy to raise from seed.
So it will be happily blooming 2-3 months after sowing.

Quick to bloom from seed

Plus Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Versailles White’ is a tough, easy, low maintenance annual.
Which self-seeds reliably in the garden each year, once you get it started.

Tip for best cut flowers

Cut the blooms when the buds are just beginning to unfurl. So you have cut them before the bees have their fun. This helps to extend the vase life of the flowers.

Bee & pollinator magnet

Bees and all our other other pollen loving flying friends make a “bee-line” for these lovely flowers.
Because the pollen rich centres provide such a long and rich food source for essential pollinating insects.

Bring French style & class to the garden

So it is no wonder that Cosmos are traditional companion flowers in all the best (and prettiest) French potagers and orchards. The French certainly know a thing or two about food gardens.
‘Versailles White’ adds pure simplicity and tall, slender elegance.

Quick & easy from seed to flower

‘Versailles White’ is fast from seed to blooming.
So you can have flowers in as little as 8 weeks after sowing the seed.

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Versailles White’ is a hardy and easy to grow annual.
Elegant 120cm High x 40cm Wide approx.


Suitable for beginners & gardening with kids

Sow any time of year indoors when suitable temperatures for germination can be provided
Scatter directly in the garden / commercial row in spring & early summer.
Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Versailles White’ is fast from seed to flower.

Sow indoors for quick & early plants: First sow the seed in a punnet on surface of good quality seed raising mix.
Then cover the seed to a depth of approx. 6mm.

Now stand the sown punnet in a shallow water bath and allow the moisture to percolate up to the surface of the mix from below.

Drain, then place the moist punnet in a warm, well-lit position position (but not in any direct sunlight).
Covering with a clear plastic lid will help keep the surface consistently moist.

Continue to keep the sown punnet moist.

Temperatures of 20-25°C are best for rapid and optimum germination.

Seedlings emerge in approx. 14-21 days.

Seed Count: 50 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count, and give a generous serve).

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