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Cosmos bipinnatus



$5.00 AUD

Availability: In stock

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Antiquity’

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Antiquity’ blooms are unique.

Unique shades of warm salmon & rich burgundy tones

Bearing blooms in unusual shades of warm salmon with rich burgundy accents.
So ‘Antiquity’ flowers open from rich burgundy buds, blending through wine to salmon shades as they open, to show burgundy-wine centres.

Like the shades in an antique tapestry

The blooms are a constantly changing blend of colours, with individual flowers mutating through all the burgundy, crimson and salmon shades as they open.
So you have an enchanting overall effect, with blooms of every stage on the plant at once.

Very early & long bloomer

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Antiquity’ is amongst the very earliest Cosmos to come into flower.
So getting a head-start on all the others in spring.
Then continuing with long and constant blooming through summer and autumn, right up till winter.

Big blooms but on a dwarf bush

‘Antiquity’ flowers are impressively large and showy, but borne on a compact dwarf bushy plant.
Making it ideal for pots, small gardens and more exposed windy sites, as well as the commercial cut flower farm.
60-75cm. High x 30-40cm. Wide.

Flower-power machine

‘Antiquity’ is also remarkable for the number of blooms each plant bears at once, as well as the long duration of flowering.

Superb cut flower & garden display

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Antiquity’ is highly valued as a cut flower, as well as for giving a splendid garden display over so many months.
While pretty ferny foliage also adds to a lacy, airy effect.
Flowers are prized for bouquets and arrangements because of the unusual and rich colouring.

Hardy & easy to grow

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Antiquity’ is a strong growing, though dwarf Cosmos.
So it is very easy to place in the garden or pots.

Heat & sun resistant

Plant ‘Antiquity’ in Full Sun, though it can also tolerate a little Part Shade, particularly in hot areas.
It is a water-wise, tough and dry hardy grower.
With excellent heat resistance as befits a flower that blooms all through the hottest part of the year till winter.

Quick to bloom after sowing

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Antiquity’ is quick and easy to raise from seed.
So it will be happily blooming 2-3 months after sowing the seeds –  a great boon to commercial flower farmers.

Low maintenance & self sowing

‘Antiquity’ is also a tough, easy, low maintenance annual, which usually self-seeds reliably in the garden each year once you start it.

Tip for best cut flowers

Cut the blooms when the burgundy buds are just beginning to unfurl. So you have cut them before the bees have their fun. This helps to extend the vase life of the flowers.

Bee & pollinator magnet

Because the pollen rich centres provide such a long and nourishing food source for essential pollinating insects – bees and all our other other pollen loving flying friends make a “bee-line” for these lovely flowers.

Bring a touch of class plus the bees to the garden

So it is no wonder that Cosmos are traditional companion flowers in all the best (and prettiest) French potagers and orchards.
But ‘Antiquity’ just adds the extra class and style of antique colours.

Sowing tip for commercial flower farmers

Cosmos bloom most heavily when the daylight hours are 14 hours per day or less, unless they are mature before the very long days are upon them.
So for the heaviest and longest blooming crops – get your Cosmos seeds growing early indoors, and have them planted out, well grown and established before mid-summer.
Then sow a later crop to mature by mid-summer, because these will crop very heavily during autumn as the day lengths shorten.

Cut & come again

Cosmos really are “cut & come again” plants.
So the more you cut blooms, the more they will produce.
Deadheading any spent blooms will also keep them in vigorous flower production.

Robust in a wide range of soils

Hardy Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Antiquity’ prospers in a wide range of soils – from sandy to clay soils, from acid, through neutral, to lime-alkaline pH.
It is best grown (and flowers best) if it is not overfed or over-watered.
So just enough is enough.

Tough growing annual 60-75cm. High x 30-40cm. Wide.


Suits beginners & gardening with kids

Sow any time of year indoors when suitable temperatures are available (20-25°C)
Scatter directly in the garden in spring & early summer.
Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Antiquity’ is super fast from seed to flower.

Sow indoors for quick & early plants: First sow the seed in a punnet on surface of good quality seed raising mix.
Then cover the seed to a depth of approx. 6mm.

Now stand the sown punnet in a shallow water bath and allow the moisture to percolate up to the surface of the mix from below.

Drain, then place the moist punnet in a warm, well-lit position position (but not in any direct sunlight).
Covering with a clear plastic lid will help keep the surface consistently moist.

Continue to keep the sown punnet moist.

Temperatures of 20-25°C are best for rapid and optimum germination.

Seedlings emerge in approx. 14-21 days.

Seed Count: 10 seeds per pack approx. Seeds of this lovely new variety are scarce.
(But we always aim to exceed the stated seed count, and give a generous serve).

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