Consolida ajacis ‘Misty Lavender’
Syn. Delphinium consolida
Consolida ajacis ‘Misty Lavender’ is a double flowered Larkspur, with very unusual colouring.
Spires of double pearl-grey lavender Larkspur flowers
The colour of ‘Misty Lavender’ is exquisite, with shades of smoky-grey blending with soft lavender.
(Consolida ajacis is the new botanical name for Delphinium consolida – but whichever botanical name you use – they are still good, old-fashioned Larkspurs).
And ‘Misty Lavender’ is one of the loveliest of Larkspurs – sensational as commercial cut flowers, but also for putting on a great show in the home garden.
Standing strong with long spires, clothed in flowers
Larkspurs have strong and tall stems, reaching from 90cm to over 1m.
And ‘Misty Lavender’ is very well clothed with fully double flowers, with an occasional stem of singles.
Fine ferny foliage also helps make Larkspurs such refined and pretty plants.
Superb florist’s flowers & garden display
Larkspurs have long been a favourite for professional florists as well as home gardeners.
Because they are one of the easiest commercial cut-flower crops to grow.
While the beautiful ash-grey-lavender colouring makes ‘Misty Lavender’ very stylish and popular at the moment.
It has an old-world heritage charm, with all the vigour and flower-power of modern breeding.
Long blooming in garden & vase
Larkspur flowers open from the bottom, and then work their way up, blooming eventually to the tip of the stem.
So each stem offers flowers for a very long period indeed, and blooms continue to open well in a vase.
They are completely reliable for a great garden show during spring and early summer, without much fuss.
Indispensable for spring brides & luxurious flower gardens
Consolida ajacis ‘Misty Lavender’ is indispensable for spring bouquets and arrangements, or for putting on an early and luxurious garden display.
They don’t mind blooming in the fickle and cold weather of early spring.
In fact they prefer flowering cool weather.
Commercial favourite for making eco-friendly confetti or pot-pourri
Big fields of Larkspurs are grown each year to supply eco-friendly, biodegradable confetti, and dried petals for pot-pourri.
Because the petals dry and store so well, and hold their colour beautifully.
Larkspurs also have optimum value for confetti production, because they have literally hundreds of blooms per plant.
Quick from seed to flowers
Larkspurs are generally blooming and ready to begin harvesting in 10-14 weeks after the seed is sown.
Harvesting for best vase life
For longest vase life – harvest the spires when the first flowers begin to open on the bottom 1/3 of the stem.
Stems of Larkspur have a vase life of approximately one week.
Harvesting for best confetti production
Harvest when most of the flowers are open up the stems but before the petals begin to fade and drop.
Drying for confetti or pot-pourri takes 2–4 weeks at 20-26°C.
Rabbit & deer plus pest & disease resistant
The hated munching pests do not like the taste of Larkspurs, and seem to know that Larkspurs should not be ingested.
Likewise, pests and diseases also generally leave well Larkspurs alone.
Bonus for bees, butterflies & pollinators
All of our pollinating friends cant believe their luck when they spot a clump of Larkspurs.
Larkspurs are nectar on a stick to them (a very tall stick!!).
Easy & quick to grow
Consolida ajacis ‘Misty Lavender’ is a fast and easy grower, providing it is grown during the cooler months.
Plant in a full sun position, or with some afternoon shade in hotter districts.
Larkspurs like to grow in well-drained soil, and will lap up all fertilizers gladly.
After all, they are prolific bloomers with hundreds of flowers and repeats of spires – so no surprise they need plenty of tucker.
They also enjoy lightly alkaline soil pH, so some lime is beneficial in acid soils.
Cut & come again
So the more you cut, the more they bloom.
Reliably self-sows
Consolida ajacis ‘Misty Lavender’ is a very reliable self-sowing annual.
So if you would like some volunteer plants for next spring – just leave some spires to go to seed.
Spectacular branching spires 90-120cm High x slender plant of ferny foliage 30-45cm Wide.
Suitable for beginners & gardening with kids
Consolida ajacis ‘Misty Lavender’ seeds are easy and quick to germinate.
Sow seeds directly into the garden in late autumn, winter or early spring.
Seed germination benefits from a cold spell, so late spring sowings are not recommended.
Sow indoors when suitably cool temperatures can be provided (10-13°C).
Larkspur seedlings are best planted out in the garden when the weather is still cool to cold.
Sow seeds indoors when suitable temperatures can be provided: First sow the seeds in a deep punnet / or in small but deep pots, on the surface of good quality seed raising mix.
And cover with 6mm of sieved mix or sandy grit.
These seeds need dark to germinate.
So it is a good idea to cover the punnet with cardboard or plastic to exclude light.
They need to be sown in a deep punnet or pot, as the seedlings quickly develop a long tap root.
Now thoroughly moisten the mix by standing the punnet in a shallow water bath and allowing the moisture to percolate up to the surface of the mix from below.
Then wrap the moist, sown punnet in cling wrap or a plastic bag and place in the fridge (not freezer) for 7 days.
This chilling period is not strictly necessary for germination – but it does enhance the germination rate.
Larkspur seeds germinate in cool weather
After 7 days remove the punnet from the fridge, unwrap, moisten thoroughly again, and place in a cool, shaded position (not in any direct sunlight).
Outside on a cool, fully shaded verandah, or in a shade house, is ideal.
Temperatures of 10-13°C approx. are best for rapid and optimum germination.
Seeds will germinate poorly if soil temperatures are above 15°C.
Then continue to keep consistently moist by misting regularly with a spray water-bottle.
Covering the punnet with a clear plastic cover will also help to maintain consistent moisture and prevent drying out.
Seedlings emerge in approx. 14-21 days.
Seed Count: 100 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count and give a generous serve).
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