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Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata plena ‘Bordeaux Barlow’


SALE: Buy 1 get 2 packs

$5.00 AUD

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Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata plena ‘Bordeaux Barlow’
SALE: Buy 1 get 2 packs

Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata plena ‘Bordeaux Barlow’ has quilled double “Columbine” flowers of deep wine-red like the very best Bordeaux red wine.

This very fine vintage Bordeaux Barlow Columbine blooms prolifically from spring into summer.
And also provides great cut flowers of an intoxicating colour.
So try Bordeaux Barlow mixed with silver foliage or burgundy foliage in both the garden and the vase.
It has an electrifying effect.

Then the blooms are held in large airy, branching heads. Well above the compact clump of scalloped foliage.

Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata plena ‘Bordeaux Barlow’ is a hardy, evergreen perennial clump.

Frost and heat hardy. Tolerates some dry once established. Shade to ½ Shade to Sun. Approx. 60cm H x 25cm W.


Sow seeds any time indoors in a punnet / or scatter directly in garden in autumn and winter.
Aquilegias germinate easily in the garden after chilling by the cold of winter.

Indoors: Sow seeds on the surface of good quality seed raising mix.
Then barely cover the seeds with sieved mix.
Because these seeds need light to germinate.

Now thoroughly moisten the punnet by standing in a shallow water bath. Allow the moisture to percolate up to the surface of the mix from below.

Then place the sown punnet in a warm, well-lit position (not in direct sunlight)

Temperatures of 15- 24C approx. are ideal for rapid and optimum germination.

Seedlings may begin emerging as soon as 10 days, but within 21-28 days.

However if there is no germination after 4 weeks it means the seeds are dormant and require a period of chilling.
So wrap the moist, sown punnet in cling-wrap and keep in fridge (not freezer) for 4-6 weeks.
Then return to a well lit position at 15-24C for germination.
However do not discard the punnet as seeds will continue to germinate for a staggered period after the chilling.

Seed Count: 30 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count and give a generous serve).

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