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Angelica gigas


$5.00 AUD

Availability: In stock

Angelica gigas

Angelica gigas has attractive lobed leaves that look like they have been polished with wax.
This variety has a long history of being used as a seasoning, medicinal and tea additive, but today it is largely valued as a striking, architectural garden plant with deep and rich colouring.
Purple umbel flowers appear in the second year.

Enjoys part shade, in moist, but well drained soils. Frost Hardy.


Sow  fresh seeds immediately.

Plant in good quality seed raising mix, then just cover with fine river sand or sieved mix as these seeds need light to germinate.

Now hold the planted seeds at 4 degrees C for 30 days to mimic winter chilling.
So place the moist, sown seed tray in a plastic bag and place in the fridge (not in the freezer).

Then remove to a well-lit place (not in direct sun).

Temperatures of approx 18 degrees C. are best for rapid and optimum germination once the seeds have received their period of chilling.

Then transplant the seedlings when they have their first set of true leaves.
Transplant young plants quickly into deeper pots or straight into the garden, as they have a long tap root.
Older plants do not transplant well.

SEED COUNT: 10 seeds per pack approx.
( we always aim to exceed the stated seed count and give a generous serve).

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