Macleaya cordata
Creamy smoky plumes of finest flowers to 1.5m. in summer make Macleaya cordata an excellent background plant.
Though it is chiefly valued for it’s handsome, large, grey-blue-green, lobed leaves.
Creamy smoke and grey-blue-green foliage
So flowers and foliage combine to really make a statement as a background plant for summer display.
And it makes a showy cut flower for a large vase, where its smoky fineness is the perfect foil for bolder flowers.
Macleaya cordata is commonly known as the White Plume Poppy, probably because the attractive foliage does look a little poppy-like. But a poppy it ain’t, though plume it does.
Indestructibly tough
Plume Poppy is invaluable in gardens with tough conditions, and limited water.
It does sucker in good going – so do put it in a tougher spot to slow it down, or contain it.
It certainly makes an impressive, and indestructibly tough specimen in a large tub.
Tough, easy grower, & low maintenance
Plant Macleaya cordata in Full Sun to Part Shade. Frost hardy.
Very tolerant of a wide range of soils, from sandy to clay.
Dry & frost hardy, and able to resist drought.
1.5-1.8m H x 45cm W.
Can be scattered in garden during autumn, winter or early spring, as seeds need some cold before emerging in spring / or can be sown indoors at any time.
Indoors: Sow seeds in punnets on surface of good quality seed raising mix. Press gently, don’t cover. Seeds need light to germinate.
Keep moist in 18-22°C well-lit position.
Seeds germinate in 14-28 days approx.
If they do not show, then they need some chilling to break their dormancy.
So wrap moist, sown punnet in cling wrap & place in fridge (not freezer) for 4-6 weeks to mimic winter chilling.
Remove from fridge, unwrap punnet & return to 18-22°C. in a well-lit position.
SEED COUNT: 30 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count, and give a generous serve).