Geranium ibericum
Geranium ibericum proudly bears large discs of rich deep blue-violet, with intricate lacing of dark veins.
A Spanish Cranesbill well suited to Australian conditions
This Spanish Blue Cranesbill is no shrinking violet, and as a native of Spain is naturally well-suited to Australian conditions.
Large discs of rich deep blue-violet with dark veins
Geranium ibericum is a also generous bloomer, and bears flocks of large flower discs over a long blooming period.
So it will begin blooming in late spring and continue well into summer.
It is not necessary to deadhead or prune, but if you give it a trim over after the summer blooming you will certainly encourage it to more great blooming in the autumn.
Impressive massed as a groundcover or singly
These impressive flowers are held proudly above an evergreen, perennial clump.
So it makes a lovely groundcover when mass planted, or a showy individual plant in a mixed bed.
Because the rich flower colour is always eye-catching, and the foliage is a velvety grey-green contrast.
Tolerates a wide range of conditions
Plant Geranium ibericum in a wide range of positions, from Part Shade to Dappled Sun to Full Sun.
This hardy Spaniard tolerates summer heat and is accustomed to periods of dry once established. And it certainly tolerates periods of heat and minimal watering much better than most other, more delicate Blue Cranesbills.
All Blue Cranesbills are highly desirable but some types are demanding; this tough little Spaniard makes the job easy.
Low maintenance & easy to please
Geranium ibericum is easily pleased and low maintenance once established.
It enjoys well drained soil, some lime, and relishes some compost and mulch; but does not require large amounts of fertilizer or water to get along nicely.
Frost hardy perennial
Geranium ibericum forms a frost hardy perennial clump 30-45cm High x 60cm Wide approx.
It remains as an evergreen in all but the coldest pockets.
SEED SOWING ADVICE: Warm-cold-warm
Sow seeds in a punnet indoors at any time when suitable temperatures are available / or scatter directly in the garden in late winter-early spring.
Sow indoors for quick & easy plants: First sow the seeds in a punnet on the surface of good quality seed raising mix.
Then pat gently gently to ensure good contact with the mix.
Now barely cover the seeds with fine grit/sieved mix/washed sand/or vermiculite.
And thoroughly moisten the mix by standing the sown punnet in a shallow water n=bath and allowing the moisture to percolate to the surface of the mix from below.
Pre-condition the seeds
Then place the sown punnet in a warm, well-lit position (not in any direct sunlight).
Temperatures of 15-20°C are best for rapid and optimum germination.
You can use a heat mat if you wish, to maintain warmth.
Continue to keep the punnet consistently moist by misting from a spray water bottle for 2-4 weeks.
Covering the punnet with a plastic lid or bag will also help to maintain consistent moisture.
Now give a pretend winter
Then wrap punnet in cling wrap & place in fridge (not freezer) for 4-6 weeks.
Remove from fridge, unwrap punnet & return to 15-20 °C place.
Most seedlings should emerge in approx. 30 to 90 days. But do not discard he punnet, as some seedlings may come later.
This is a natural ploy by the plant to maximize survival of the seedlings.
Seed Count: 8 seeds per pack (seeds of this beautiful and hardy Geranium are scarce).
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