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Centranthus ruber



SALE: Buy 1 get 2 packs

$5.00 AUD

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Centranthus ruber ‘alba’
SALE: Buy 1 get 2 packs 

“White Kiss—Me—Quick” is the charming common name for a tough old time favorite, Centranthus ruber ‘a;ba’.
And it is so quickly and easily grown from seed and in the garden, even in the toughest of conditions.

Non stop, large clusters of tiny white flowers

Centranthus ruber ‘alba’ has non stop, large clusters of tiny white flowers, through spring summer and into autumn.

Sweet perfume treat for humans & bees

And the sweet perfume is a treat for us humans, and a magnet for bees and other beneficial insects too.
So if you want to attract beneficial pollinators, and feed our precious bees, then Centranthus really delivers.
Plus it delivers lovely, sweet scented cut flowers for vases indoors.

Lovely cut flower

Centranthus ruber ‘alba’ is an evergreen , bushy perennial with soft, fleshy, blue green foliage.
So it makes a reliable background for other garden flowers as they come and go.
Just dead-head regularly to keep those blooms coming for months, and it is no hardship to cut stems for vases.

So quick & easy even in the toughest of conditions

“White Kiss—Me—Quick” is both frost and dry hardy.
So it is an old time favourite for gardeners with limited water supply.
And it revels in Full Sun to Light Shade in any well drained  soil.

Tough as old boots

Centranthus ruber ‘alba’ will make a go of it just about anywhere, including crevasses in concrete and even rock walls.

90cm High in sweet smelling flower heads x 90cm Wide blue-green foliage.
It is also commonly called White Valerian – but true Valerian it ain’t – so not the same as the medicinal herb.

Suitable for beginners & gardening with kids

Can be scattered directly in the garden during spring / or for faster flowers sow indoors at any time

Sow indoors for quick plants & early flowers: First sow the seeds in a punnet on the surface of good quality potting mix.
Then just barely cover the seeds with sieved mix.
Because these seeds need light to germinate.

Now thoroughly moisten the mix by standing the punnet in a shallow water bath and allowing the moisture to percolate up to the surface from below.

And place the punnet in a warm, well-lit position (not in direct sunlight).
You can use a heat mat if you have one. But it is not essential al these seeds are very willing germinators.

Temperatures of 18-20 degrees C are ideal for rapid and optimum germination.
Continue to keep moist by misting from a spray water bottle as required.

Germination takes approximately 21-30 days.

Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle to 8cm  pots and grow on. Acclimatise and plant out in late spring with 30cm spacing, Can be sown directly  October –Dec. Sow 2mm deep, thin to 30cm spacing.

Seed Count: 40 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count and give a generous serve).

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