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Phlox paniculata

‘New Hybrids’


$5.00 AUD

Availability: In stock

Phlox paniculata ‘New Hybrids’

Phlox paniculata ‘New Hybrids’ presents seed from some of the loveliest new colours in this old fashioned, much loved, garden favourite.
Colours range through pinks, purples, mauves, rose, to white. Some with contrasting coloured eyes, and others solid colours.

Exquisitely fragrant

However all are exquisitely fragrant.
And there is nothing to compare to the sweet fragrance of Perennial Phlox.

Valuable cut flowers for florists

Phlox paniculata have long been a favourite for florists.
Because of their ability to last long in a vase, their sweet fragrance and jewel-like colours, and their long, strong stems.

Equally lovely in the garden

But Phlox paniculata are equally rewarding left to adorn the garden.
As they are long blooming from late spring through into early autumn, particularly if spent stems are removed (or stems harvested for florist’s flowers).

Easy care

Plant Phlox paniculata ‘New Hybrids’ in Full Sun to Partial Shade.
Though a little afternoon shade is an advantage in hotter summer areas, as it helps keep the flowers and beautiful colours fresh.
Clumps of Perennial Phlox are long-lived perennials, and they appreciate mulch in summer to keep stable moisture levels. They are also tolerant of clay, as well as well drained soils with mulch.

Prolific bloomers

Phlox paniculata ‘New Hybrids’ are prolific bloomers. So a feed with good quality fertilizer in early spring, and then again in summer will keep them in good heart and producing wonderful heads for a long period.

Phlox paniculata are also tall growing plants.
Simply cut them back to ground level in winter while they are dormant, to promote fresh new stems in spring. But if you would like to create even more flower stems, and shorter, bushier plants, you can also do the “Chelsea Chop” and cut them back in mid spring too to promote even more flower heads.

Frost hardy

Phlox paniculata are exceptionally frost hardy, and able to cope with frosts down to at least -20C and below.

Rich in nectar for bees

Nectar sipping bees and other important pollinating insects just adore perennial Phlox for their long blooming supply of rich food.

SEED SOWING ADVICE: Phlox paniculata ‘New Hybrids’

Seed can be sown indoors in cooler months / or scattered directly in the garden. 

INDOOR sowing for best results: First soak the seeds in warm water for 10-15  minutes.
Then sow the seeds in a punnet on the surface of good quality seed raising mix.
And cover with a fine layer of sieved mix.

Now thoroughly moisten the mix by standing the sown punnet in a shallow water bath and allowing the moisture to percolate to the surface from below.

Then wrap the moist, sown punnet in cling-wrap or a plastic bag and place in the fridge (not freezer) for 4-6 weeks.

After the period of chilling, remove from fridge, unwrap, and thoroughly moisten again.
Now place the punnet in a warm, well-lit position (not in direct sunlight).

Temperatures of 15-18°C are ideal for rapid and optimum germination.
You can use a heat mat if you have one, or a warm protected window sill.
However temperatures above 18°C can inhibit germination.

Continue to keep consistently moist by misting from a spray water-bottle.

Seeds germinate in approx. 7-14 days.

SEED COUNT: 12 seeds per pack approx.
We always aim to exceed the stated seed count and give a generous serve).

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